In my ninth year, I continue to be incredibly proud to be a part of the VCHS family! The students, faculty and staff, and parents are extraordinary! I chose VCHS not only to lead, but for my own high school son. As a career educator, I know what makes a great school. It’s always the faculty! The faculty at VCHS are subject experts, creative teachers and love the high school students who they teach. And, they know how to have fun. They are also Christians motivated by a faith that has love at its foundation. As you look at high school options for your child, I’m sure (like me) you want the very best. I’m convinced that the people who make up VCHS – the teachers, the students and the parents – bring out the best in our students!

B.A. History - Wheaton College
M.A. Education Administration - University of Colorado, Denver

BS 생물학 - 미노트 주립대학교
MS 특수 교육 - 미노트 주립 대학교
MA 교육 리더십 - 콜로라도 대학교, 콜로라도 스프링스
Overseeing Grades 11-12 and Student Life

B.A. English - Loyola Marymount University
M.A. English - Temple University
M.A., Special Education/ESL - University of Colorado,
Overseeing Grades 9-10 and Academic Support

팀을 만나다

B.S. Exercise Physiology - Northern Iowa University
M.S. Physiology - Iowa State University

하이디 코펠리스
시각 예술
마케팅 이사
B.S. Athletic Training - Delta State University

케이시 데스몬드,
학사 국제 연구/지리학 - University of Denver
B.A. Communications -
Grand Canyon University
M.Th. - Tyndale University

B.S. Biology
M.S. Special Education -
Minot State University
M.A. Educational Leadership -
University of Colorado
B.S. Education - Baylor University
M.A. Christian Education - Dallas Theological Seminary

B.A. Business/Economics - University of California, Santa Barbara

크리스타 맥클린턴
B.S. Psychology
M.S. Clinical Psychology - Auburn University

B.A. Mathematics - University of Colorado, Boulder
M.S. Computer Information Systems - Colorado State University

할리 실버만
대학 상담 등록 및 접수원
BFA 인테리어 디자인 -

스테파니 워드
스페인 사회
BA 초등 교육 - University of Central Oklahoma
이중 언어 석사, Soc/ESL - 콜로라도 대학교 볼더
JD 웹스터
채플 밴드
예배 목사
전문 녹음 아티스트

B.S. Wildlife Biology - Colorado State University
M.A. Secondary Education - University of Phoenix